Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to Chicago: Part II

Well, I finally moved back to Chi-town! It was super sad to leave Madison, but after living here I've been so busy I feel like I have no time to think.

To re-start my life in Chicago I decided to start it right by going to the once place in town that I visit way too much- Finn McCools! But before going there we had a neighborhood block party "North Center Summerfest" that we went to and had a great time! We might have snuck in some beers, but we donated money to the event so I guess it evens out. There was this crazy band there "Wedding Banned" that was really fun. Even more fun= watching cover bands have groupies!

But after that we went to Neha's to chill before going out and got stuck in the elevator! Luckily Neha and I had our cell phones and other fun things (post it notes for Hangman); however, there was this SUPER-bitch in the elevator with us who blamed us for the elevator stopping, and then freaked out over the phone with the doorman. I think without her we would have had a great time, but she just made everyone feel awkward and awful!

Finally went to Finn McCool's and danced the night away-and danced AWAY from the creepers that facilitate the place. But always have a great time there!

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